Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Quick Little Note

Sometimes I carry a water bottle around with me.  There aren't really public fountains around and water is never free, and I think it's good to stay hydrated.  So I have this black metal water bottle with capital letters "DDB" on it.

One morning, I went to a bar near my house to a get a little coffee.  Side note--a bar is, of course, what Americans consider coffeehouses.  Yum.  When I put up my water bottle on the counter to have my hands free to pay, the guy behind the counter looked at my water bottle kind of funny and said something in rapid Italian that ended with the word "doping."  I was confused, so he repeated what he had said; he asked me in Italian if I was "doping."  I looked at him for a few seconds with an expression of I'm sure must have been something between confusion and incredulity. To clarify, he said slowly and clearly "energy drink" in Italian.  I replied--in Italian, woohoo!--that there was only water in my water bottle.  He repeated "energy drink," and the guy at the counter next to me chipped in with "Drugs.  For the athletes."  I asserted a couple more times that I was only drinking water.  "Ho l'acqua solamente.  Sempre l'acqua!"  I don't think they believed me.  They continued to debate whether it was an energy drink or steroids in my strange black container for liquids.  On that note, I decided it was time to go catch my train.

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